

Selamat Malam Blogger Journal, masih berbicara masalah Editor Journal. Editor dalam meningkatkan Prestasi Journalnya tidaklah mudah apalagi seorang editor baru.Tetapi ada 3 Pertanyaan Pokok yang akan membantu anda dalam menjadi editor yang harus anda jawab, jika pertanyaan ini anda jawab maka anda telah siap menjadi Editor. Berikut 3 Pertanyaan  diambil dari World Association of Editor Medis , silabus WAME untuk editor baru :
1. What is the history of the journal?
  • When was the journal established?
  • Why did the previous editor leave?
  • What are the terms of the editor’s appointment? Does the editor have a written contract?
  • What is the chain of command? Will the editor report to – an editorial committee, the president of the company, a university official, a government officer?
  • Did the editor have the freedom to publish whatever he/she believes should be published?
2. What are the current status, policies and objectives of the publisher for the journal?
  • What is the primary purpose of the journal?
  • Is the editorial content of the journal fixed, or can the editor change it? Can the editor change the scientific direction of the journal or the space devoted to particular types of articles?
  • Does the publisher require publication of certain material with little or no review, for example reports of committees of a society or a governmental organization?
  • What are the publisher’s marketing and advertising policies? Are these policies acceptable to the potential editor?
  • How often is the journal published? Are there limits on the number of pages that can be published in an issue or in a year, and are the editorial content and advertising content separated or intermingled?
  • Does the editor have responsibilities for copyediting and other aspects of the production of the journal?
  • Are there print and electronic versions of the journal? If there are the two versions, are they identical or does the content differ?
  • Where is the editorial office of the journal to be located?
3. What support will the owner provide for the editor and the editorial office of the journal?
  • Can the editor appoint one or more assistant editors or an editorial board?
  • Will support be provided for other staff, equipment (computers, manuscript-tracking software, internet and e-mail access), supplies, and rental of office space?
  • Will support be provided for the editor or assistant editors to attend scientific meetings or to attend meetings or courses for editors?
Demikianlah 3 Pertanyaan yang harus anda jawab jika anda menjadi Editor Jurnal yang handal. Selamat Mencoba 


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